Fry the root vegetables in the GOLDSTEIG Butter in a pan, add the fried bread cubes, stir in the cream, GOLDSTEIG Mascarpone, and stock and season with chopped wild herbs, salt and pepper.
- Season the steaks with salt and pepper and fry in oil.
- Add a bit of the bread sauce to an oven-proof dish, place the steaks on it, cover them with bread sauce and the GOLDSTEIG Limburger cut into thin slices and bake at 160°C for 15 to 20 minutes.
TIP: Wholemeal toast cubes can also be used instead of bread cubes.
For 4 people:
For the bread sauce:
- 400 g diced root vegetables (carrots, cellery, parsnips, leeks)
- 200 g fried bread cubes
- 100 ml cream
- 4 tbsp GOLDSTEIG Mascarpone,
- 50 ml vegetable stock
- Chopped wild herbs
- Salt
- Pepper
For the steaks:
- 4 pork steaks
- 200 g GOLDSTEIG Limburger
- Salt
- Pepper
- Oil
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