Mushrooms stuffed with Almdammer and Bambini Mini Mozzarella

  • Simple
  • Vegetarian


  1. Remove the stalk from the mushrooms, season with salt, pepper and garlic puree.
  2. Stuff them with the GOLDSTEIG Almdammercut into cubes, pumpkin seeds, Bambini Mini Mozzarella from GOLDSTEIG and the strawberries cut into quarters.
  3. Grill the mushrooms in a closed charcoal barbecue or oven at 160°C for about 10 minutes.

TIP: Garlic puree: Puree a peeled garlic clove with olive oil using a blender and store it in the fridge in a preserving jar with lid. As a result, you will always have garlic puree to hand.


For 4 people:

Recipe download
Almdammer Rezept Mit Almdammer und Bambini Mozzarella Mini mit Kräuter von GOLDSTEIG gefüllte Champignon mit Kräuter, Erdbeeren und Kürbiskerne auf Holzbrett
Rezept teilen - Iphone mit Foto von Gericht mit GOLDSTEIG Produkten

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